Business Burnout! Do You Have It and How To Overcome It

Burning out is the emotional state of being exhausted and overworked that can be caused and lead to chronic stress. Though having burnout is not a medically diagnosable condition it can impact your work ethic and productivity.


Some of the characteristics of burnout include:

  • Lack of energy or exhaustion

  • increased mental distance from your job, or feeling negative or pessimistic about one's job, and

  • reduced professional efficacy and productivity

Business Burnout as a Business Owner

No matter the rank of your job or field of employment, employees and employers can experience burnout from their job. Small business owners are especially more easily susceptible to business burnout. You as a small business owner would do anything to see your business succeed and do well, that might come at a cost that you are ‘always on’ and ready to work extended hours. This can mean you are exposed to prolonged stress, if you are not aware of the signs of burnout and how to manage stress and possible burnout it could lead to serious impacts on your mental wellbeing and cause your business to underperform and not operate at optimal levels.

Some of the feelings attached to being burnt out:

-You are tired or feel tired most days and feel overwhelmed or even drained at the thought of what the day has ahead of you.

-Your not sleeping well, your sleep is disrupted or you find it hard to fall asleep at night or even find it hard to wake up and get out of bed.

-You are not able to concentrate and are forgetting things easily. You are struggling to focus on the things that you need to get done which is leading to a lack of productivity. 

-Some physical symptoms of stress like shortness of breath, heart palpitations or headaches.

- You might also feel depressed and/or anxious (depression and anxiety are diagnosable mental illnesses and you should seek professional assistance if you are suffering from these symptoms)

-You being feeling annoyed, irritated and cynical about your work or relationships which can lead to problems in these areas.

-You withdraw from social engagement, you become isolated and detached. You no longer find enjoyment in the activities and work you usually like doing.


There are some ways to combat burnout in your business so you can get back to doing what you love. It’s a good place to start and recognise that you are burnt out and stressed. Understand why your feeling burnt out, what are your work hours, how much time are you putting aside for yourself away from the business? It may feel like you can’t take your foot off the pedal when it comes to your small business, ignoring the signs of burn out can do more harm and make you feel worse. Here are some ways to take a break and restart fresh so your business can run smoothly and productively year-round.

Take a Holiday:

Taking a holiday can be a great way just to switch off for a few days, let your mind rest. Disconnect from your emails and social media and book off a few days to recoup and recover.

Identify Stress and Triggers:

A good thing to do when you have some clear headspace is to list out the causes of stress within your business it could help to figure out the best way to meet your goals and business productivity in a different way. Set boundaries or set times where you are available on email to respond to all your client emails or phone calls, have a marketing plan for all your social media so you can schedule and post and not worry about what to post tomorrow. If it’s within your means to outsource or delegate to an employee or freelancer. By planning your day within normal work hours and switching off by a certain time can help provide you with a healthy work-life balance.

Switch Off Socials:

Social media can sometimes feel like it runs our lives. It doesn’t have to be that way though, setting timers for how long you spend on your business social media page to interact with your posts and customers is great for keeping stress levels under control. Switching off those platforms at home to spend some time recovering can really keep your thoughts sharp. 

Clean Work Space:

Making sure your workspace is clean and organised can greatly improve your mood and productivity. Clutter space equals a cluttered mind. It can help avoid distraction and confusion in your business.


Making some healthier choices in the day can help boost your mood. Taking time to go for a walk or plan a healthy meal can greatly improve mood, keep your mind sharp and your energy levels up.

Say No More:

Having the ability to say no and decline requests can be really hard sometimes, saying no when you’re overwhelmed with projects can be the best move for your mental health. If it’s a job or appointment the client can wait on you can suggest another time. When it comes to saying no, listening to your gut, does it make you feel stressed and conflicted, does it disrupt any boundaries you had set at the beginning? If yes then that is a good sign to say no or maybe not right now.

Celebrate Your Wins:

Accomplish something big, small or in between should be celebrated. Taking the time to celebrate how far you’ve come and the things you have achieved. Taking this time can put everything into perspective. 

We hope these tips help you to figure out how to overcome the struggle of business burnout! We offer training and accounting services online and in-person if you need to start delegating tasks such as your bookkeeping and accounting to a professional so you have more time to focus on your work and the things you enjoy! Email or call us to find out more about how we can help you!